Filing for Disability in Georgia: Social Security and SSI

Find out about applying for Social Security disability or SSI in Georgia, along with contact information for helpful Georgia agencies.

By , J.D. · University of Baltimore School of Law
Updated 8/01/2023

Even though Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are federal programs, a state agency actually decides if a disability applicant is disabled for the purpose of SSDI or SSI benefits.

In Georgia, that state agency is called Disability Adjudication Services (DAS). After you file your initial disability application with Social Security, your file is sent to the Georgia DAS. (Contact information for the DAS offices is below.)

Each state disability determination agency has different disability approval and denial rates. The Georgia DAS approves just 35% of disability claims at the initial application level, which means more than 65% of initial applications are denied.

Another state agency, the Georgia Department of Human Resources, adds a state supplemental payment to the federal SSI payment for those living in Medicaid facilities (see below).

What Are My Chances of Approval for My Disability Claim in Georgia?

If a claims examiner at Georgia's DAS denies your disability claim and you request an appeal hearing, your disability case then goes to the Office of Hearing Operations (OHO), which is part of the federal Social Security Administration. (Contact information for the OHO offices in Georgia is below.)

In Georgia, it takes, on average, 17 months from the time you request a hearing to the date an administrative law judge (ALJ) makes a decision on a case following a hearing. For 2022/2023, Georgia ALJs awarded benefits in 54% of the cases they heard.

Stage of Application



Approval After Initial Application



Approval After Reconsideration Review



Approval After Appeal Hearing



Hearing Wait Time

17 months

15 months

Source: ALJ Disposition Data Fiscal Year 2023 and Average Wait Time Until Hearing, June 2023 (Social Security.)

How Much SSDI or SSI Will I Receive in Georgia?

The average SSDI payment in Georgia is $1,533 per month, but some people receive up to $3,600, depending on their income. (And widows and disabled adult children receive less.) Read more about how Social Security calculates your SSDI payment.

The average SSI payment in Georgia is $581 per month, but some people receive the federal maximum, $914 (in 2023). Most people receive less than the maximum because the amount of SSI they receive depends on whether they have other income or receive free room and board.

While the federal government funds most of the SSI payment, Georgia provides a small state supplement for eligible residents living in Medicaid facilities (nursing homes for which Medicaid pays at least half). For a qualified individual, the supplement is $20; for couples, the amount is $40.

The Georgia Department of Human Resources (DHR) manages the SSI supplement. You don't need to apply separately for the state SSI supplement because eligible SSI recipients are tracked by the DHR's computer database once they're approved for disability.

How Much Will It Cost to Get My Medical Records?

Georgia law places a limit on how much a doctor's office or hospital can charge you for your medical records. In Georgia, medical providers can charge $0.97 for the first 20 pages, $0.83 for pages 21-100, and $0.66 for each page copied over 100. A provider can also charge a $25.88 preparation fee and a $9.70 fee to certify the records, and they can ask for reimbursement for postage.

A medical provider cannot charge for mental health records.

Here's information for the field offices, the disability determination offices, and the hearing offices in Georgia.

Social Security Field Offices

There are 33 Social Security field offices in Georgia, which are served by either the Atlanta, Atlanta North, Chattanooga, Covington, Macon, Savannah, or Tallahassee OHO locations. Call the SSA at 800-325-0778 between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, to get contact information for your closest field office or use Social Security's field office locator.

Contact Information for Disability Adjudication Services

The Georgia Department of Labor (DOL), Rehabilitative Section, administers Georgia's Disability Adjudication Services program. Here is the contact information for Georgia's DAS locations:

Thomasville Office

1317 East Jackson St.
Thomasville, GA 31792-4750
Phone: 229-225-5279

Savannah Office

450 Mall Blvd., Suite C
Savannah, GA 31406-4864
Phone: 912-351-3511

Athens Office

394 South Milledge Ave.
Athens, GA 30605-5626
Phone: 706-227-5455

Dalton Office

1615 Hickory St # 106
Dalton, GA 30720
Phone: 678-639-2100

Central Office

1551 Juliette Rd.
Stone Mountain, GA 30083-1509
Phone: 678-639-2100

For more information, visit the Georgia Vocational Rehab Agency's website .

Hearing Office Locations in Georgia

Georgia has several Offices of Hearing Operations (OHO) located throughout the state. Below is the contact information for each office.

Atlanta HO

245 Peachtree Center Ave.
Suite 500, Marquis 1
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Phone: (866) 964-7350
Fax: (833) 604-0723

Atlanta North HO

4100 Old Milton Parkway, 2nd Floor
Alpharetta, GA 30005
Telephone: (855) 210-1031
Fax: (833) 985-2298

Chattanooga HO

1232 Premier Dr., Suite 200
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421
Telephone: (877) 833-2721
Fax: (833) 510-0092

(This OHO also serves Dalton and Rome, Georgia.)

Covington HO

10155 Eagle Dr.
Covington, Georgia 30014
Phone: (866) 708-3231
Fax: (833) 953-2164

Macon HO

484 Mulberry St., Suite 500
Macon, Georgia 31201-7929
Phone: (866) 331-2191
Fax: (833) 789-0405

Savannah HO

Suite D
325 W Montgomery Crossroads
Savannah, GA 31406
Phone: (866) 964-7590
Fax: (833) 616-0132

Tallahassee HO

1961 Quail Grove Lane, 2nd Floor
Tallahassee, Florida 32311
Telephone: (888) 472-5996
Fax: (833) 953-2166

(This OHO also serves Thomasville, Georgia.)

Before your hearing, you may want to check for address and phone number changes using Social Security's hearing office locator.

Georgia Rehabilitation Services

The State of Georgia offers rehabilitation services through its Department of Labor (DOL). DOL provides assistance to disabled individuals to help them reach their maximum level of independence. For more information, see the website of Rehabilitative Services.

Other Sources:
Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2021
Annual Statistical Supplement, 2022

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