Short-Term and Temporary Disability Insurance

Short-term disability insurance (SDI) and temporary disability insurance (TDI) are programs that give employees some compensation when they have to take time off work for injuries, illnesses, or disabilities (including pregnancy). The federal government doesn't provide any type of short-term disability coverage through Social Security, though under federal law, most employers are required to provide unpaid leave to most workers.

There are several ways an employee might be entitled to SDI or TDI coverage:

  • A handful of states—California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island—require employers to have this type of insurance, either through a state fund or through an employer-provided policy.  
  • Many employers voluntarily provide their employees with short-term disability insurance as a job benefit.  
  • Some employees purchase their own short-term disability insurance policies, separate from their job.  

No matter how SDI or TDI is provided, the terms of the policy will determine what disabilities are covered, how much the employee will receive, and for how long.  

In addition, several states have added paid leave programs, for both taking care of family members and taking time off for your own serious health condition.

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