How Does Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Work?
Here's a basic introduction to how Social Security disability works.
The amount of your monthly SSI disability check depends on whether you're married, whether you have any income, and where you live.
Social Security Disability & SSI: Definitions & Criteria
An overview of Social Security's disability evaluation process and what you need to do to get benefits.
If My Injury Didn't Happen at Work, Are Any Benefits Available Besides Welfare or SSI?
If you are injured and unable to work for the long-term, you can start getting your Social Security benefits early.
How to Find a Disability Lawyer, Attorney, or Representative for Social Security Benefits
Having the right help on a Social Security disability case can mean the difference between winning and losing a claim for benefits.
Do I Have to Pay Taxes on Workers' Comp Benefits?
Workers' compensation benefits are not normally considered taxable income at the state or federal level.
Am I Entitled to Workers' Compensation Benefits?
To qualify for workers' compensation benefits, you must be an employee of a company with workers’ comp insurance and you must have been injured at work or as a result of job-related duties.
Filing a Workers' Compensation Lawsuit
If you have a workplace injury or occupational disease, your only remedy is likely through the workers’ compensation system. You cannot file a direct lawsuit against your employer in most cases.
Short-Term Disability Benefits Available From State Governments
Short-term disability benefits are not available from Social Security or elsewhere in the federal government. If you are disabled less than a year, you can't collect Social Security disability or SSI.
Short-Term Disability Benefits for Medical Operations
If you have to miss work because of an illness or injury unrelated to your job, you might be entitled to short-term disability benefits.
Preparing and Filing Your Short-Term Disability Claim
If you are entitled to compensation while you are out of work with a short-term or temporary disability, make sure you follow all the necessary steps to get paid.
Long-Term Disability Requirements
If you have a long-term disability policy, you may be eligible to continue receiving most of your salary in the event you become unable to work.
How to File a Long-Term Disability Claim
Long-term disability (LTD) insurance pays monthly benefits to covered workers who become unable to perform the duties of their job for medical reasons.
How Much Does Long Term Disability Usually Pay?
If you have LTD and you become unable to work, the insurance company will pay you part of the salary or wages that you earned before becoming disabled.
Eligibility for Federal Disability Retirement Benefits
Disability retirement benefits are available to people who work in the federal government as part of their employment benefit package.
6 Steps to Filing an Application for Federal Disability Retirement
Federal Disability Retirement is a benefit available to federal civil service employees and postal workers who meet certain requirements. Filing for disability retirement benefits in five steps.
How to Choose a Federal Disability Retirement Lawyer
You don't have much time to make the decision to hire an attorney when OPM denies your claim for federal disability retirement.
Filing for Veterans Disability Benefits
Veterans who with service-connected disabilities may be eligible to receive benefits from the VA.
What Veterans Should Know About Filing for Social Security Disability
The SSA and VA systems of disability benefits are separate and quite different.
How Do Disability Ratings Work for Veterans Benefits?
Veterans of the United States Armed Forces with disabilities connected to, or aggravated by, active service may be eligible for veterans disability benefits.
Your Right to a Reasonable Accommodation for Your Disability
Your employer must make accommodations for your disability so you can do your job.
What to Do When Your Employer Discriminates Against You for a Disability
Has your employer discriminated against you because of your disability? Verify your employer has violated the ADA, and then file a complaint.
Getting Hired With a Disability
The ADA doesn’t require employers to hire applicants with disabilities, but it does provide protections.
Your Right to FMLA Leave for a Disability
If you need time off work for health, disability, or caregiving reasons, you might be protected by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
When You Should Talk to an FMLA Lawyer
Do you need to talk to a lawyer about taking medical or disability-related leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?
Notice and Paperwork Requirements When Taking FMLA Leave for Your Disability
Submit the proper notice and certification when using FMLA medical or disability-related leave.
Taking FMLA Leave for Pregnancy and Childbirth
The FMLA's family medical leave rules let you take time off during pregnancy and childbirth without losing your job.
Are Maternity Benefits Available From Social Security Disability?
Although the Social Security disability program doesn't pay benefits for pregnancy, a handful of states do.
Short-Term Disability, Paid Family Leave, and Pregnancy Leave Laws
Family leave laws (also known as maternity or paternity leave laws) allow employees to take time off from work to care for a new child.