What's New in Social Security Disability?
What's New in Social Security Disability?
Important Changes for Social Security and SSI Disability in 2025
Changes for 2025 include increases in Social Security and SSI disability benefit amounts, SSI income limits, and how much you can earn from working.
Disability Advocates Push New Reforms for Social Security Disability
Learn about the "Stop the Wait" campaign and other reforms sought by disability advocates to make Social Security disability benefits more accessible and equitable.
Can I Get Social Security Disability or SSI for Long COVID?
What you'll need to show Social Security to get disability benefits for long COVID.
Be aware of the risks to taking seasonal work if you're receiving (or applying for) Social Security disability benefits.
How Does Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Work?
Here's a basic introduction to how Social Security disability works.
What Are Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Disability Benefits?
SSI provides disability benefits for low-income disabled people who don't qualify for Social Security.
What Is the Difference Between Social Security Disability (SSDI) and SSI?
Both SSI and SSDI disability programs offer cash benefits for disabled individuals, but the financial eligibility requirements are very different.
How Do You Qualify Medically for Social Security Disability or SSI?
Here's an overview of how Social Security decides whether you are medically eligible for disability benefits.
SSDI Eligibility: Work Credits
You must pass a recent work test and a duration of work test in order to be insured for SSDI.
SSI Disability Eligibility: Income Limits
SSI is a needs-based program for low-income people who are blind, disabled, or elderly.
Social Security Disability Denials: What a Denial Means
Getting denied disability doesn't necessarily mean you're not disabled—look at your denial letter to learn the rationale for the denial.
What Are My Chances of Winning a Social Security Disability Appeal?
There's really no way to know what your chances will be when you file an appeal, but your chances will generally improve.
How Do You Start an Appeal for Social Security Disability?
You can start to appeal an initial denial by filing a request for reconsideration.
What Happens After You’re Approved for SSDI or SSI Disability?
Here's what happens once you’re approved for Social Security disability, including when you’ll get paid and how much you could get.
How Much Money Will I Get If I Qualify for Social Security Disability or SSI Benefits?
The amount of disability you'll collect depends on the program (SSI or SSDI) for which you qualify.
Social Security Disability Backpay (Past-Due Benefits)
When you applied for disability and when your disability began dictate how much backpay you'll get.
How Long Can You Receive Disability Benefits?
Your Social Security disability benefits will last until you begin to work, your condition improves, or you reach retirement age.
Are Social Security Disability Benefits Taxable?
Learn whether the federal or state governments tax your monthly benefits or backpay.
Medical Conditions - Eligibility for Disability Benefits
MoreMedical Conditions - Eligibility for Disability Benefits
Mental Illness and Social Security Disability
If you have a severe mental illness that keeps you from working full-time, you may qualify for SSDI or SSI.
Back Pain and Social Security Disability
Back pain resulting from a condition that's established with objective medical evidence can be disabling.
What Types of Cancer Qualify for Disability?
Whether you qualify for Social Security disability insurance depends on the type, location, and prognosis of your cancer, and how well it responds to treatment.
How Much Does a Social Security Disability Lawyer Cost?
Most disability attorneys will be paid a fee only if they win the case (this is called a contingency fee).
How to Find a Disability Lawyer, Attorney, or Representative for Social Security Benefits
Having the right help on a Social Security disability case can mean the difference between winning and losing a claim for benefits.
Survey Statistics: Is a Social Security Disability Lawyer Worth It?
Our survey showed that hiring a disability lawyer makes a big difference in the outcome of SSDI and SSI claims.
Can I Fire My Disability Lawyer?
You can always fire your disability attorney, but you should consider the option carefully.
How to Apply for SSDI: Steps to Get It Done
A one-step-at-a-time guide to getting Social Security disability benefits.
When Should You Apply for Social Security Disability or SSI?
If your medical conditions prevent you from working, you may be considering applying for disability benefits, but deciding when to apply can make a big difference for your claim.
Filing for Disability in California: Social Security and SSI
An overview of the disability benefits process in California as well as some helpful resources and contact information.
Social Security Disability Survey Statistics: What We Learned From Our Readers
MoreSocial Security Disability Survey Statistics: What We Learned From Our Readers
Survey Statistics: Social Security Disability Approval Rates for Common Medical Conditions
Our survey shows that it’s more difficult to receive benefits for some kinds of medical problems than others.
Survey Results: How Much Does a Social Security Disability Lawyer Cost?
Even though disability attorneys’ fees are capped at $6,000, the majority of our readers told us their attorneys received less than that amount.
Survey Statistics: How Long Does It Take to Get Approved for Social Security Disability Benefits?
Our survey showed that it typically took readers a total of two to three years—from filing an application to getting a decision after a disability hearing—to learn whether they would receive SSDI or SSI benefits. But several factors can make wait times shorter or longer.