What Is a Representative Payee for Social Security Disability?
Disabled individuals who need help managing their benefits may need a representative payee.
How Does Social Security Choose Your Representative Payee?
Can I choose this person, or does Social Security force me to use a certain payee?
How to Handle Large Payments of Disability Back Benefits
There are strict rules on how a representative payee may spend backpay for a recipient of SSI disability.
How Is a Child’s SSI Payment Supposed to Be Spent?
Social Security has many rules about how you can spend a child’s SSI disability benefit.
SSI Dedicated Accounts for Child Disability Benefits
You must put large SSI disability back payments into a dedicated account, not currently paid benefits.
Can I File a Disability Application on Behalf of My Spouse?
If your spouse is physically or mentally unable to apply for Social Security disability benefits and you wish to file on their behalf, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has rules that make that possible in certain situations.
Nolo's Guide to Social Security Disability
Nolo's Guide to Social Security Disability teaches you everything you need to know about the disability process.