Taking Time Off Under the Family Medical Leave Act

The Family and Medical Leave Act, a federal law, allows employees who work for large employers to take time off from work to care for serious health conditions, the birth of a new child, or to take care of a family member who is seriously ill or injured. The leave is unpaid, but employees have the right to get their own job back after the leave is over. 

If you weren't given your job back after FMLA leave or you believe you're entitled to FMLA leave and your employer has refused it, you may have grounds for filing an administrative complaint with the Department of Labor or filing a lawsuit. Or you can try to negotiate a settlement.

Bringing a lawyer in to help you assess your options and negotiate on your behalf is a good way to protect your rights under the law. Below are some articles on who qualifies for FMLA leave, how to take FMLA leave and return to work after, and how to find a lawyer to help you file a claim or lawsuit.

In addition, you may want to click on your state in this list to see whether your state has its own family and medical leave act, a pregnancy disability leave law, or a program that provides paid leave or short-term disability benefits.

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