Muscular and Soft Tissue Disorders
Muscular and Soft Tissue Disorders
Can You Get Disability Benefits for a Torn ACL?
A torn ACL can result in pain, swelling, and loss of motion in the knee that can make it difficult to work.
Social Security Disability for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
If your carpal tunnel syndrome severely limits your ability to use your hands at work, you may qualify for disability.
Dupuytren's Contracture: Can I Get Disability Benefits?
Dupuytren’s contracture may not affect a person’s strength, but if you aren't able to use your hands effectively, you can get disability benefits.
Getting Disability Benefits for Cervicalgia (Neck Pain)
There are several ways to get approved for disability benefits for neck problems caused by arthritis, disc issues, pinched nerves, and more.
Can I Get Disability if Piriformis Syndrome Makes It Impossible for Me to Do My Job?
Piriformis syndrome can cause a lot of pain and difficulty sitting for long periods. If your doctor has limited the amount of time you can sit or stand, you have a chance of getting disability benefits for piriformis syndrome.
Can I Get Disability for Whiplash?
If you have lasting and severe damage to your neck or spine relating to whiplash, you might be able to get disability benefits.
Getting Disability for Soft Tissue Injuries or Burns
Burns and other soft tissue injuries often heal in a relatively short amount of time, but after healing, scar tissue across joints and skin can cause lasting functional limitations in the use of one's hands, arms, or legs.
Filing for Disability Benefits for Muscular Dystrophy
Whether you can get disability benefits for MD depends on how the MD is restricting your activities.
Other Conditions Involving Muscles or Soft Tissues
Other Conditions Involving Muscles or Soft Tissues
Social Security Disability for a Hiatal Hernia
If you have complications from a hiatal hernia that keep you from working full-time, you might be able to qualify for SSDI or SSI.
Getting Disability Benefits for Injuries From a Gunshot Wound
If you have a gunshot wound that resulted in severe physical or psychological damage, you may have a successful Social Security disability claim.
Getting Disability Benefits for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Ehlers-Danlos can affect your skin, joints, and blood vessel walls; the syndrome is characterized by extremely flexible joints and very stretchy, fragile skin.
Can You Get Disability for Sciatica?
It's difficult to qualify for disability benefits based on sciatica unless you have other impairments as well.
Getting Disability for Growth Impairment or Growth Disorders
Some growth disorders and impairments can be seen at birth, while others are noticed when your child fails to keep pace with other children their age with regards to growth.
Social Security, Medicare & Government Pensions
Nolo's book covers survivors benefits, disability benefits, and spousal retirement benefits, and how the three are intertwined.
Nolo's Guide to Social Security Disability
Nolo's Guide to Social Security Disability includes information about Social Security benefits for the dependents and survivors of persons with disabilities.