Filing for Disability for Partial or Total Blindness

Total blindness isn't required to qualify for disability benefits through Social Security. If you have low vision in both eyes that causes you to be "legally blind," you will be approved.

By , Attorney · Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Updated by Bethany K. Laurence, Attorney · UC Law San Francisco
Updated 3/07/2024

If you're partially blind, legally blind, or totally blind, you may be able to qualify for Social Security disability benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA). Social Security has rules about how significant your vision loss must be for it to qualify as a disability. Your vision must be quite poor with glasses or contacts on to be considered a disability, and if you have good vision in one eye, you might not qualify for disability benefits.

What Eye Problems Can Qualify for Disability?

The most common causes of vision loss are:

Retinitis pigmentosa, eye cancer, melanoma, and other types of cancer can also lead to a loss in visual acuity (clarity and sharpness of vision). All of these eye problems can qualify for disability benefits if your vision loss is severe enough.

When Can Poor Vision Qualify for Disability Benefits?

There are two ways Social Security can approve you for Social Security disability benefits, by looking at either:

  • your medical evidence alone, including your eyeglass prescription, or
  • your medical and vocational evidence (your work history and ability to do work activities).

For evaluating claims based on your medical evidence alone, Social Security has three "listings" in its impairment manual that apply to claims involving loss of vision. These listings deal with the remaining amount of visual acuity and peripheral vision that you have.

If your vision loss doesn't meet one of Social Security's listings, you still could get disability benefits based on a "medical-vocational allowance." You would need to show that there are really no jobs you can safely do because of your vision loss, taking into account your prior job experience, your age, and your education.

Social Security's Listings for Blindness, Partial Blindness, or Low Vision

Social Security's "blue book" of impairment listings states the requirements that you need to meet to be automatically approved for disability benefits for vision loss. Most claims for low vision are approved under the listing for central visual acuity (if they're approved at all).

Disability for Loss of Central Visual Acuity

Central visual acuity is how clearly you can see straight ahead. To meet the requirements for Social Security's listing for loss of visual acuity (listing 2.02), the vision in your better eye, when you're wearing glasses or contacts, must be 20/200 or worse.

This is the standard for what's called legal blindness, or "statutory blindness." In other words, the listing only requires partial blindness. Total blindness (the absence of light perception in both eyes) qualifies automatically for disability benefits too.

Note that if you have one eye with vision worse than 20/200 and one eye with better vision than 20/200 (with glasses or contacts), you won't qualify under this listing.

Disability for Loss of Peripheral Vision

Your vision may be okay looking straight ahead, but you might have a loss of your "visual field" (the total space you can see including your peripheral vision). Many jobs require you to have good peripheral vision, so Social Security has a listing for "contraction of the visual field" (listing 2.03). If your total visual field falls below a certain level, in the better eye, Social Security will find you disabled.

For the details, see our article on getting disability for peripheral vision problems.

Disability for Loss of Visual Efficiency

If you have poor peripheral vision in addition to poor visual acuity, you might be able to qualify under Social Security's listing for loss of "visual efficiency" (listing 2.04). The listing requires you to have either:

  • a low "percentage of visual efficiency" (a calculation that combines your central visual acuity and peripheral vision), or
  • a high "visual impairment" value.

Your ophthalmologist can do the calculations necessary to determine whether your combination of eye problems would meet this listing.

Vision Loss That Affects Your Ability to Do Many Jobs

If you don't qualify for disability benefits under Social Security's listings for poor visual acuity or peripheral vision, you'll move to the next part of the disability determination process. Social Security will consider the effect of your vision loss (and any other symptoms) on your ability to perform daily activities and work functions for various types of jobs.

To decide whether your vision impairment prevents you from working, Social Security will give you a residual functional capacity (RFC) assessment. Your RFC will list the type of work Social Security thinks you can do based on your restrictions. If your best-corrected vision is 20/50 or worse in your better eye, your RFC should include specific restrictions on the types of work you can't do because of your poor vision. For people with decreased vision, the RFC might include:

  • no working near hazardous machinery
  • no operating hazardous machinery or driving, or
  • no working at unprotected heights.

If you have a detached retina or are at risk of a detached retina, your doctor might also give you a restriction on heavy lifting.

For more information, see our article on how Social Security uses your RFC to decide whether there are jobs you can do.

Medical Evidence Required for Disability Based on Vision Loss

Social Security requires you to have a physical examination by an ophthalmologist or optometrist to measure your visual acuity. This is the exam you get when you get a new prescription for glasses or contacts. You'll be asked to read letters from a chart at a certain distance away (a "Snellen" chart).

If you won't qualify for disability under poor visual acuity alone, you'll also need to get peripheral vision tested. All testing is done without your glasses or contacts—your doctor will use lenses that are part of the testing equipment to come up with your "best-corrected" vision.

If Social Security suspects your vision is better than you say, Social Security may require you to undergo "visual evoked response testing." This test measures brainwave responses to visual stimuli that the doctor shows you. Social Security might request this type of testing if, for instance, your eyes show no abnormalities during an examination and you have no history of neurological damage, yet you scored 20/200 on your Snellen chart test

If your doctor has diagnosed you with an eye disease, your medical record should reflect the diagnosis, the treatment you've received for it, and your prognosis.

Are There Disability Benefits for Being Blind in One Eye?

You can't automatically qualify for disability benefits if you only lose vision in one eye. Social Security's listing for blindness requires you to have worse than 20/200 vision in your better eye. If you have reasonably good vision in one of your eyes, you won't automatically qualify under the listing for blindness. There's no such thing as being "legally blind in one eye."

Losing eyesight in one eye, however, could prevent you from doing your past job if it was work that required binocular vision or depth perception, such as operating hazardous machinery, working at "unprotected heights," or even driving.

During the application process, you'll submit a function report where you can detail how your limited vision makes it unsafe or impossible to do your prior work. The SSA will review it, along with treatment notes from your doctor, to determine what your visual limitations are. If the SSA agrees you can't do your past work because of your poor eyesight, the agency will try to identify other work that you can do despite being blind in one eye.

But, depending on your age, education, and skill set, being unable to do your past jobs due to reduced vision may be enough for you to qualify for disability under the medical-vocational grid rules.

Special Rules for Blind Applicants

Social Security has several rules that apply to legally blind applicants but don't apply to nonblind applicants. For instance:

  • In some states, legally blind applicants receive a higher state supplement to their SSI payment than nonblind disabled people.
  • SSDI claimants who are legally blind can work and receive up to $2,590 in 2024 and still be considered disabled. This special rule means that Social Security won't consider the work to be "substantial gainful activity (SGA)." (The limit for blind applicants is higher than the limit of $1,550 in 2024 that applies to nonblind disabled workers.)
  • The SGA limit doesn't apply to blind SSI claimants (but blind individuals do have an SSI income limit just like all SSI claimants).
  • If you're blind and over the age of 55, your earnings won't be considered SGA even if they rise over the blind SGA limit—as long as the work requires a lower level of skill and ability than the work you did before the age of 55 or when you became disabled, whichever is later.
  • Social Security grants immediate SSI benefits to those with severe disabilities who are likely to be found eligible for benefits. If you suffer from total blindness (that is, no light perception in both eyes), you may qualify for six months of "presumptive blindness" benefits while you're waiting for Social Security to make a decision on your benefits.
  • If your income declined as your vision deteriorated, you can exclude the most recent quarters of earnings from your Social Security record. This will get you a higher benefit amount when you apply for disability or retirement benefits. In essence, your earnings record will be "frozen" before your disability began, which is why this is called a "disability freeze." You must contact Social Security if you want to file for a freeze.
  • If you're blind and applying for SSI benefits, there are certain types of expenses that you can exclude from your earned income, including:
    • the cost and upkeep for a service animal
    • transportation to and from work
    • meals eaten during work hours, and
    • medical or non-medical equipment.

These are called blind work expenses (BWE), a type of impairment-related work expense.

Applying for Social Security Disability Due to Blindness

You can apply for Social Security disability in person at your local SSA office, by calling Social Security at 800-772-1213, or online at

To complete the disability application, you'll need detailed information, including the contact information and dates of treatment for all of your medical providers, the dates of any medical tests, and the names, addresses, and dates of employment for all of your employers in the last 15 years. For more information, see our article on applying for Social Security disability benefits.

After You Apply for Benefits

Once your application is complete, Social Security will send your file to your state's Disability Determination Services (DDS) office. Here, a claims examiner will request and review your medical records and review them. The examiner might call you for an interview or send you additional paperwork to complete. After the claims examiner feels that your file has sufficient evidence to make a decision, a medical consultant (doctor or optometrist) will decide whether you are legally blind and thus eligible for disability benefits.

Social Security will notify you of the decision by mail. The decision normally takes three to six months, but could take longer.

If you receive a denial letter and your vision has worsened, or you think your case is strong enough to win an appeal, think about contacting a disability lawyer. About half of people who go to an appeal hearing win their claims, and applicants who go to a hearing represented by a lawyer have a higher approval rate than applicants who represent themselves.

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