Elizabeth Dickey

J.D. · University of Virginia School of Law

Leigh Dickey holds a law degree from the University of Virginia and an undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago. Between 1998 and 2012, she worked as a legal aid lawyer in Virginia, Oregon, and Alaska. She assisted low-income clients with a variety of problems, including problems with Medicaid and other public benefits.

Articles By Elizabeth Dickey

California's Cash Assistance Program (CAPI): Disability Benefits for Immigrants
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants, known as “CAPI,” is a California program that provides monthly cash benefits to disabled (or elderly) people who would be eligible for SSI except for their immigration status.
Negotiating a Repayment Plan for a Social Security Disability or SSI Overpayment
In general, Social Security will negotiate a payment plan with you so you can pay back an overpayment of disability benefits.
Getting Social Security Disability Benefits for Aplastic Anemia or Other Bone Marrow Diseases
If you have severe aplastic anemia, a myelodysplastic syndrome, granulocytopenia, or myelofibrosis, you may qualify for Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) or SSI.
How Workers' Compensation Benefits Offset Social Security Disability Payments
Understand how workers' compensation benefits can affect your Social Security disability payments.
Can I Get Social Security Disability for Restless Leg Syndrome?
People who suffer from restless leg syndrome (RLS) feel odd sensations in their arms or legs and have uncontrollable urges to move to relieve the feelings. Is it a disability?
Getting Disability for Transverse Myelitis
Those with long-lasting limitations from transverse myelitis may be able to qualify for Social Security disability benefits.
What Will Happen If Social Security Says I Transferred Assets to Qualify for SSI?
Giving away or selling assets cheaply to qualify for disability can make you ineligible for SSI.
How Does SSI Disability Work When You Live in a Nursing Home?
Your SSI benefit may be terminated or lowered if you move to a nursing home where Medicaid pays for part of your stay.
Reopening a Social Security Disability Claim
Reopening an earlier disability claim can get your more money in backpay benefits.
How to Fill Out SSA-8000-BK, Application for Supplemental Security Income
Here are some tips on answering questions in the SSI disability application.