Children's Mental Conditions That Qualify for Disability

Children and teenagers who suffer from severe mental impairments or critical emotional issues may qualify for disability benefits through the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program (but not SSDI--Social Security disability). If a child's impairment is severely limiting, whether it's a  developmental disability, such as ADHD and autism; a cognitive deficit or delay, such as a learning disability or low IQ; or an emotional difficulty, such as depression or anxiety, your child will likely be found disabled by Social Security. If your child's mental condition matches  one of Social Security's childhood disability listings, your child will get  disability  benefit  automatically. If not, Social Security will assess how limiting your child's impairment is in six different areas of functioning, such as paying attention, learning and using information, completing tasks, and interacting with others. Here are some of the more common mental impairments for which parents apply for SSI disability benefits.

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