Wisconsin Workers Compensation Lawyers

DiRenzo & Bomier, LLC

With offices in Neenah and Green Bay, our experienced trial attorneys aggressively work to get you the Workers' Compensation benefits you deserve.

Neenah, WI

At Di Renzo & Bomier, we have experienced trial attorneys who will handle your case from the time of your injury or disability through the settlement process. Our success rate in settling Worker's Compensation cases is outstanding.

Kasdorf, Lewis & Swietlik, S.C.

Kasdorf, Lewis & Swietlik, S.C. provides comprehensive legal services for all aspects of state and federal trial practice, appellate practice and administrative litigation.

Milwaukee, WI

-Administrative Law Hearings -Arbitration -Business Disputes, Contract and Commercial Litigation -Civil Rights and Employment Discrimination -Construction Claims -Copyright, Trademark and Business Torts -Employment Practices Litigation -Environmental Litigation -Fire Explosion and Property Loss -Insurance Coverage and Bad Faith Litigation -Insurance Defense -Health Law -Litigation Planning and ADR Strategies -Municipal Law and Liability -Negligence and Professional Liability -Product Liability -Tort Litigation -Workers Compensation Law.

Janssen Law LLC

Green Bay, WI

Domer Law SC

Milwaukee, WI

Law Offices of Jeffrey Klemp

Your Worker's Compensation Professionals

Eau Claire , WI

Scharmer Law

Wautoma , WI

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  3. Choose attorneys to contact you